Story of BOYA
Inspired to Be Innovative

To enrich life and explore the wonderful world
Inspired to be innovative
Core Values
To be user-centered, innovative, and pursuing excellence, to provide global users with simple, practical, professional, and stylish products, aiming to ensure every user enjoys an easy and delightful user experience.

Chosen by 30M Users Worldwide

R&D members

Acoustic innovation patents

Countries and regions

Global retail stores selling

BOYA Story
In 2012, as the global demand for mobile and electronic products surged, accompanied by a rapid increase in network speeds, the appetite for content creation grew exponentially. Recognizing this trend, three young visionaries seized the opportunity and established the BOYA brand, dedicated to crafting innovative products tailored for content creators. In our midst, we've gathered a team of visionary 'sound enthusiasts' brimming with boundless imagination in acoustic technology.

Together, we're dedicated to positioning BOYA as the leading brand in global audio innovation. We firmly believe in prioritizing user experience, driving innovation, and striving for excellence. Continuously, we introduce uniquely crafted audio products under the BOYA name, aimed at providing the next generation of content creators with vibrant and diverse audio experiences.Our goal is to ensure that every individual enjoys a seamless recording experience, an immersive shooting process, and the flawless expression of their creativity.
Worth Knowing about BOYA