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BOYA Unveils the World’s Tiniest Wireless Microphone in Cairo
Cairo, February 19, 2025 – On Wednesday, February 19, 2025, the iconic Safir Hotel in Cairo became the stage for an exclusive unveiling event that drew attention to BOYA’s latest innovation, the BOYA mini.
BOYA Unveils the World’s Tiniest Wireless Microphone in Iran
On Thursday evening, February 15, 2025, BOYA, a global leader in microphone industry, unveiled its groundbreaking product—the BOYA mini—at a prestigious event held at the Spinas Hotel in Tehran. The ceremony, attended by BOYA’s sales representatives in Iran, local media, and content creators, was hosted by BOYA’s Chinese officials, marking a milestone in the brand's expansion within the Iranian market.
BOYA Consolidates Connection with Pro AV Community at Eletrolar Show 2024
BOYA Audio presented its audio solutions during the Electrolar Show 2024 at Sao Paulo's TransAmerica Expo Center from July 15 to 18, consolidating the connection between the company and the Pro AV community in South America.
BY-XM6-K2 2.4GHz Ultra-compact Wireless Microphone System Kit
Wonder how to improve your audio quality and use flexibility while recording?
The Excellence of the Wired Lavalier Microphone: Unveiling the BY-M1 Pro II
In the world of audio technology, the wired lavalier microphone has emerged as a game-changer.
BOYALINK: Revolutionizing Recording with Wireless Microphone
BOYALINK offers quality and convenience with advanced wireless microphone technology.
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